5 Easy Ways to Protect Yourself from Allergies (Without Medication!)

In Alternative Medicine by SFSCTCAdminLeave a Comment

The most effective way to protect yourself from allergies is to build up a healthy, robust immune system.

While many people suffer from chronic allergies, relying on over-the-counter medications to feel better, these medications are not a healthy long-term solution.

Side effects like drowsiness, headaches, nausea, and dry mucous membranes can make taking allergy medications more detrimental than the allergies themselves!

At Anatara, our doctors have uncovered key connections between allergens and immunity. Under the leadership of Dr. Ahvie Herkowitz, we have developed effective therapies to enhance immunity and diminish or even eliminate the body’s reaction to allergens over time.

Here are 5 easy ways to protect yourself from allergens without taking allergy medication:    

  1. Discover Your Triggers

    The first step to overcoming allergies is getting crystal clear on your personal triggers.

    Common allergy triggers include:

  • Food
  • Pollen
  • Hay
  • Dust
  • Mold
  • Animals
  • Perfume

A simple blood test at Anatara Medicine will determine your severe and moderate sensitivities to various allergy triggers, including foods, additives, and chemicals.

Only when you know what you’re allergic to can you create an effective plan for avoiding those allergens.

  1. Try Ozone Therapy

    IV ozone has incredible therapeutic implications for allergy sufferers.

    Intravenous Ozone Therapy supports antimicrobial activity against all sorts of bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

    It helps to modulate the immune system, which in turn shortens allergy symptoms and makes them less severe.

  1. Treat the Gut

    Gut health is strongly indicative of overall health. More and more research is showing that chronic conditions, including allergies, can be treated by treating the gut.

    The best way to empower the gut is to avoid foods you’re hypersensitive to. When you eat allergy-causing foods, the body responds with an inflammatory reaction, which in turn triggers allergy symptoms.

  • Get a blood test to determine which foods you’re most sensitive to.
  • Rotate foods to prevent the development of intolerances.
  • Ask your doctor about Leaky Gut, which could be triggering your allergy symptoms.
  1. Reverse Environmental Damage

    Sometimes the easiest way to prevent allergies is a good, old-fashioned scrub.

    If you’ve been exposed to a known environmental allergen such as pollen, remove and wash your clothes and shoes upon entering your home.

    Next, take a shower and rinse your nasal passages thoroughly. The simple act of cleaning yourself and your clothes can dramatically reduce allergies.

  1. Eat the Right Foods

    Just as avoiding certain foods can prevent allergies, eating the right foods can prevent allergies too.

    Quercitin is an antioxidant and flavonoid that is fiercely antihistamine and anti-inflammatory. It helps to stabilize mast cells, which release histamine and cause allergy symptoms.

    Fight allergies by eating foods high in Quercitin, including:

  • Garlic
  • Nettles
  • Onions
  • Parsley
  • Ginger
  • Red wine
  • Sage tea

With so many ways to fight allergies naturally, there’s no reason to suffer through the side effects of over-the-counter allergy medications.

If you’re a chronic allergy sufferer, the first step towards feeling better is booking your blood test at Anatara. With a simple test, we can determine exactly what you’re allergic to, and create a therapeutic plan to fight allergies from the inside out.

Book your blood test by calling 1-800-318-6006 or writing info@anataramedicine.com.

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