3 Proven Ways to Beat Inflammation

In Chronic Illness, Complementary Medicine, Convergence Medicine, Integrative Medicine by SFSCTCAdminLeave a Comment

mal di colloInflammation is your body’s natural response to injury. When exposed to irritants, invaders, or cellular damage, your system’s inflammatory response serves to protect you by healing wounds and repairing damaged tissue.

But what happens when inflammation occurs in excess?

Like everything else in nature, balance is key to maintaining homeostasis within the body. An overabundance of inflammation has been shown to cause all manner of chronic problems, from asthma and Rheumatoid arthritis to ulcers and autoimmune disease.

Important connections have also been made between inflammation and gut health, pinpointing gut inflammation as a leading cause of leaky gut syndrome. According to a recent study conducted by the New York Academy of Sciences, leaky gut is the precursor to more serious inflammatory conditions like chronic inflammation.

Luckily, there are three ways to bring inflammation back into balance quickly and effectively:   

  1. Vitamin D supplements

Many of our patients with inflammation problems have low levels of Vitamin D, a nutrient that has been proven to inhibit pro-inflammatory cells in the body. In order to address this issue, Vitamin D supplements can be taken to regulate inflammation levels and prevent or reverse the symptoms caused by increased inflammation.

  1. IV Nutritional Therapies

IV therapy is a safe, effective way of delivering healing nutrients and minerals into the bloodstream as quickly as possible. In cases of extreme inflammation, there are two types of IV therapies that have been shown to be most effective: Oxidation/ozone therapy, and intravenous Curcumin therapy.

In addition to offering incredible antimicrobial and anti-infectious properties, IV ozone treatments have been shown to reduce inflammation, increase circulation, and stimulate the body’s production of protective antioxidants.

IV Curcumin therapy is another fantastic option for fighting inflammation. Derived from turmeric, this extract is used to treat all manner of inflammatory-related conditions including inflamed gut, inflamed bladder, and arthritis.

  1. Anti-inflammatory Diet

No amount of supplements or nutritional therapies can keep inflammation at bay without the help of an anti-inflammatory diet. Even making small changes to your diet can have an impressive impact on inflammation levels in the body.

Inflammation-fighting foods

  • Dark leafy green vegetables like kale, chard, and collard greens
  • Fresh fruit
  • Legumes like kidney beans, lentils, split peas, and garbanzos
  • Nuts and nut butters including almonds, cashews, and walnuts
  • Seeds including pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds
  • Grains like amaranth, buckwheat, millet, oats, quinoa, basmati and brown rice
  • Wild-caught fish like cod, haddock, halibut, mackerel, sardines, summer flounder, and wild Pacific salmon
  • to glasses of filtered water per day

Foods to avoid

  • Vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes and corn
  • Citrus fruits, fruit juices, and dried fruit
  • Legumes like peanuts and non-fermented soy
  • Gluten-containing grains like wheat, spelt, rye, barley, farro, kamut, and triticale
  • Shellfish like shrimp, lobster, crab, and mussels
  • Conventionally-raised meats that may contain antibiotics
  • Cane sugar and artificial sweeteners
  • Soda, coffee, alcohol, and black tea
  • Red meat and game meat including beef, pork, elk, venison, and buffalo

While inflammation can cause a host of illnesses, diseases and other imbalances, it’s possible to not only control inflammatory reactions in the body, but virtually eliminate chronic symptoms associated with extreme inflammation.

With the strategic use of Vitamin D supplements, IV nutritional therapies, and an anti-inflammatory diet, you can reverse the effects of rampant inflammation and return your body to its balanced, natural state.

Could inflammation be causing your most pressing health problems? To learn more about how to beat inflammation and rid your body of inflammatory diseases, schedule a private consultation with the inflammation specialists at Anatara Medicine by clicking here now: https://anataramedicine.com/contact-us/

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