Late Breaking Science Oral Abstracts – International Stroke Conference 2018

In Neurologic Disease, Stem Cell Treatment by KimL1143

Presentation Number: LB12

Modeled Impact of Bypass to an Endovascular-capable Center on Clinical Outcomes: An Analysis of the STRATIS registry

Background: Timely mechanical thrombectomy (MT) significantly improves clinical outcomes in acute ischemic stroke patients. Patient access to MT can be challenging due to limited endovascular-capable centers (ECCs) available. Patients are usually routed to the closest hospital, requiring transfer to an ECC. Transfers to ECCs have been associated with worse functional outcomes in the STRATIS registry. Methods STRATIS is a prospective, multicenter registry of patients treated with a stent retriever device within 8 hours of onset. Patients transferred from initial hospital to a STRATIS hospital, had an out-of-hospital stroke, called 911, and had stroke location data were included in this analysis. Workflow times were compared against two modeled bypass scenarios: (i) direct routing to the STRATIS hospital (ii) direct routing to an ECC with the shortest driving time (ideal hospital). For bypass modeling driving times, Google Maps Distance Matrix API was used.

Presentation Number: LB14

Two-year Safety and Clinical Outcomes in Chronic Ischemic Stroke Patients After Implantation of Modified Bone Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (sb623): A Phase 1/2a Study

Abstract Body:
Objective Ischemic stroke is a leading cause of long-term disability. Reports from pilot stage clinical studies indicate that stem cell-based treatments may improve neurological function secondary to chronic stroke.
Methods This was a two-year, open-label, single-arm, Phase 1/2a study (NCT01287936) to evaluate safety and clinical outcomes associated with surgical implantation of modified bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (SB623) in 18 patients with stable chronic ischemic stroke.

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